Bed Bugs And You


Bed bugs are an uninvited pest that causes much frustration for homeowners. Well Le-Squeegee has a few suggestions for how to eliminate bed bugs if they ever find their way into your home.

    1. Use a professional. Bed bugs are stubborn and difficult to eliminate. It is best to leave the job of total remediation to a professional. However, there are multiple measures you can take to help move the process along.
    2. Clean and remove clutter. Items stored underneath beds or cluttered areas in a home become the perfect place for bed bugs to prosper. These areas are difficult for chemical processes to kill all the bed bugs.
    3. Launder clothes in high heat. Putting linens and clothes in the dryer can be an effective way to kill bed bugs. Bed bugs can be killed if they are exposed to temperatures of over 130 degrees F for more than 30 minutes.
    4. Be cautious of where you sleep. It might make sense to change where you sleep when a home is infested with bed bugs, but it can cause them to spread even faster throughout a home.
    5. Utilize a heat treatment. Heat is the most effective way to get rid of a bed bug problem. Heating up the entire home to above 130 degrees is one of the safest ways to kill bed bugs. Newman Restoration & Cleaning can provide this service for you!
    6. Properly dispose of items. If you decide to throw out any mattresses or pieces of furniture that have bed bugs, please use caution. Moving these items can spread bed bugs across a home. Do not leave items on the curb, they can be picked up by someone else and infest their home. It is best to use a professional to properly dispose of any items that have a bed bug infestation.