Fire prevention and safety tips


Fire prevention and safety tips


Regular steps can be followed to decrease the chances of a fire occurring on your property. These measures need to be paired with home safety to protect occupants from a fire. According to the American Red Cross, occupants may have as little as two minutes to escape a fire. Protecting life is always the most important factor in fire prevention and safety.


Fire alarms and maintenance – Follow professional recommendations and code regulations for installation and location of fire alarms. They should be located on all levels of a structure and inside and outside of sleeping areas. Test fire alarms monthly and immediately address any issues. 


Fire safety plan – Develop a fire safety plan and practice it! Everyone living inside the dwelling should know the safety plan and how to execute it. Remember, there may only be a few minutes to escape the structure and the safety plan needs to be executed quickly. 


Know when, how and what type of fire extinguisher to use – It is important to know when it is appropriate to use a fire extinguisher versus escaping a fire. Also understanding how a fire extinguisher works and what type of fire it is appropriate for. Please follow this link for more information: Fire Extinguisher Classes & Safety Tips – Nationwide


Be up-to-date on regular maintenance – Do you sweep your chimney and get it inspected every year? Do you have your dryer vent cleaned every year? These are important maintenance items which need to be addressed. Dryer vents and chimneys are leading sources of home fires.


Be mindful of normal household items – If you utilize space heaters, make sure there is adequate space around them so they do not catch something on fire. Watch out for stray tea towels or flammable items near the stovetop. It only takes a few seconds for something to catch fire.